Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ohio, fun :)

So me and Isaiah went on a little week long vacation with a friend of ours and her little girl. We left on July 5th and just got back Monday night. We did, so much in such a little time, and it almost went too fast! Isaiah ended up with a fever a few hours after we started our trip on Monday. Then noticed he had some spots in the back of his throat. Once we got to Cincinnati, we had to start our vacation with a trip to the Children's Hospital there. They were super nice, and quick! We got in and out and he just had some sort of viral infection that would go away on it's own. We got back to Ashley's mom's place, and left again for dinner at a mexican restaraunt. Following that, we headed out to the Reds ballpark. This was one of the coolest things we've ever done. We actually got to go down on the ball field and walk around the outside of it, go sit in the dugout,and into the locker room. It was all so amazing. After we left the dugout, the security guard went in another room and brought back Isaiah his very first REAL baseball that had been used and beat up. Super cool!

Day 2 - I wasn't feeling so great, so I stayed home with the kids while Ashley went and got her hair done. Then we all went out to dinner again at a place called Cabana's. Its an outdoor restaraunt right on the Ohio River...super nice! Then we headed home and the kids stayed with the Grandparents while me and Ashley had a little grown-up time and went out for a couple drinks. It was so sweet to come home and see the little ones sleeping in bed with Hailey's grandma . :)

Day 3 - Water Park day!!! Nothing much more to say about that LOL We spent like 7 hours at "The Beach" water park and it was a great time!

Day 4 - Off to the country we go!! We got to her Dads place, hung out for awhile and then eventually headed out to the lake. Had a nice little boat ride, then came home for an early nights rest.

Day 5 - Spent lots of time out on the boat. Then went back to the house for yummy bbq!

The rest of the trip was spent relaxing and getting ready for the drive home which was a 9 hour trip turned into 13 hours LOL

I met some amazing people along the way and would love to one day see them again!

Back from Vacation

Well, I'm back from a one week vacation with a friend and our little ones. I felt like I had gained 10 pounds...but thankfully it was only 3. So, i'm just a little under my start weight again. Blah...but I guess it could be worse right? I've been doing pretty good these 2 days that I've been back home...just gotta keep it up and get moving with the exercise!
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