Once upon a time, there was a girl who didn't think she would ever live without pain. A girl who thought that her life would always involved deciding what to do daily based on how much she hurt. I used to be that girl. Now I am no longer her. I'm the one who can go all day and do stuff, and all that results is a bit of muscle fatigue and sore feet. And who
doesn't get sore feet after being on them all day? I have truly been blessed with a life that I never thought I would have...a pain free one. Now that I can do more and more every day, I'm changing all different aspects of my life. Everything from procrastination to motivation. It's a hard process tho. When you spend your life basing everything you do around your physical capabilities, you develop some pretty crappy habits. So yes, it takes a lot of effort to not walk past that sock on the ground...to stop and pick it up. It's a slow change, but I'm getting there. Motivation is coming a little easier as well. When you don't hurt, it's a little easier to slip on those shoes and go for a walk, or put on that dvd and get in a workout. I still have to be careful since I'm still healing, and definitely make some mods to certain exercises, but I can already do so much more than I was able to prior to surgery!

Like this past Saturday for example. I got up early and went to Isaiah's football game. They played hard, but lost in the last couple minutes of the game which was a bummer, but on a side note, I was on my feet the whole game. Then we came home, and got cleaned up and Isaiah and me went to Kasper's Kastle. We came home and I did some cleaning and then later that night me and Isaiah make all kinds of fun constructions paper Halloween decorations. I was excited to do them with him, cause it's something that's been done for a few generations now in our family. My mom's mom & grandma did them when she was young, Mom & Dad made them when I was young, and now I got to share it with Isaiah. All in all I had a super full day, and no pain at all...hip-hip-horray! (Yes, pun intented haha)

Speaking of "Once Upon a Time"...have any of you seen this new show? It started this past Sunday, and I must say that I find it to be excellent! I love the storyline so far, I love the take that's been given to the stories we all grew up with. You definitely have to pay attention to it in order to know what's going on. Not many shows anymore can make me shut the computer and just WATCH them. Usually I sit with the tv on and computer opened up and semi-watch and play. Right now, the only other shows that get my full attention are "True Blood" & "Game of Thrones". Now I can to it "Once Upon a Time". There's another new show coming up this Friday that I'm hoping to add to the list, and that's "Grimm". It's a crime drama with a twist. All the crimes are based upon Grimm faerie tales. I hope it's just as good as "Once Upon a Time"!
One final note: while I was watching "Once Upon a Time", a tweet came thru my phone from "The Single Woman". By the way - you can find her posts on both Facebook & Twitter. Anywhoo...I'm watching the show, and the tweet that comes thru is as follows: "Sometimes the best fairytale ending is realizing we never really needed to be rescued at all." How true is
'til next time my friends....