(Created 9.10.10)
One of the first step-by-step looks I did. This look is called "Bird of Paradise". When I lived in Florida, my roommate introduced me to this book by make-up artist Kevin Aucoin called, "Face Foward". It is an excellent book with some very fun and funky looks, as well as some very simplistic yet gorgeous looks in it. I decided to try out this one and see how well I could re-create the look. Not too bad I say! :)
***The numbers in parenthesis can be seen in the palette photo at the bottom preceeding the "Products Used" section.***

1. Set up your face with foundation, concealer, & powder matching your skin tone.
2. Next use a minty green (#1) and sweep it on the lid from the lash line most of the way up the towards the eyebrows.
3. Using a darker deep green (#2), add some dimension by darkening the outter edges and sweeping it under the eyes. Make sure on the top lid to blend it in well to the Mint Green.
4. Using an orange shadow (#4), fill in the eyebrow. Extend past the outer edge, blend down into the green, and also extend the inner corners down the side of the nose a bit. Using an even darker green (#3), grey, or black, add a bit of a shadow by sweeping the color underneath of the outer edges of the eye.
5. No liner, add mascara.
6. The next step was super fun. You can do this with either a navy blue eye shadow and/or eye liner. I used a bit of both. First I outlined my lips with the liner to give it a strong clean shape.
7. Then I filled in the lip with the same liner. After that I used a navy eye shadow and went over the liner, then added a bit of a shimmer turquoise over that.
8. Follow up with clear gloss & your're all done!! Super simple and fun for a crazy night out if you're bold enough ;)
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