Saturday, July 30, 2011

Not my typical postivity

(I feel like I'm going crazy...)
I'm so tired of my walker. I know it's all worth it in the end, but i'm tired of it. I'm tired of my arms hurting, and the shoulder/back/neck strain. I know that my doctor wants what is best for me. He's probably one of the best in the country. Last year he was President of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the years prior to that he was 1st President-Elect (which is next in line). He's the chairman of the ortho department at the University of Maryland Medical Center, as well as the head of the University of Maryland Medical School as well as a professor there. He gives lectures all around the country, even in China, South Africa, Australia, and other countries. He's also published who knows how many articles. He is a very cautious doctor, and I do respect that.

A new hippie friend of mine used a phrase I can completely relate to and that is I am "discouraged in a competitive way". Almost everyone I know that had surgery just days before me and even after me are using, canes or nothing at all. I'm extra pms emotional right now and want to cry every time I get up and have to grab the stupid walker, but it's whatever...gotta follow doctors orders I suppose. I have to keep doing this for another 2 weeks - maybe even 4 if I have to wait until I see him which sucks even more. :::sigh:::

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